Know More About Hair Loss In Men

The hair is a sense of pride to most people when it starts to fall off it becomes a worrying thing. Hair loss is a difficult thing to deal with especially for the women who love their hair to be long, but it can be a troubling issue for the male too. Androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness is the partial or complete absence of hair where they should be, and it is the common type of hair loss. In the past, the loss of hair was seen as something unfortunate and nowadays it causes anxiety and stress in men. While some will embrace a clean shaven look, others will seek various treatments for hair loss so that they can grow back their hair.
One of the major causes of balding in men is genetic, which causes the androgenic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia is caused by the male sex hormones. The androgens are extremely sensitive in certain parts of the scalp. The hormonal makes the hair follicles to shrink and become smaller that the hair cannot grow back normally. The follicles, however, are very healthy but they don't function. This condition starts with a pattern on the head, and it first starts with a receding hairline and gradually moves to the top of the head. The hair thins out as the areas grow and when they eventually meet, they form a U-shape around the sides and back of the head. The hair that grows is much finer and weak, which, when it falls off it doesn't grow back again.
Health conditions is also another cause of hair loss and the skin appears to be red, have rashes and patchy areas, the scalp peels off, hair breaks and there may be an unusual pattern.
There are various treatments for hair loss, and this will depend on the cause. The androgenic alopecia is an inherited condition and may be difficult to treat, but the doctors can give medication that can help reduce the hormonal level in the scalp and body. A physician will use this pattern to diagnose the kind of baldness and also do several tests that will rule out any other cause of baldness such as nutritional disorders or fungal infections. For the health condition alopecia, blood tests and skin biopsy are done to diagnose the responsible factor.
If you are comfortable with becoming bald and don't have any health condition, then there would be no need of being treated. Other treatments of hair loss may be through the use of conventional medicines or by the use of natural methods. Some of the methods include:
Hair transplant- this is the permanent replacement of hair on t scalp. This kind of treatment is done under anesthesia as it is a delicate procedure that involves transplanting healthy hair follicles in the areas that don't have hair and then the hair grows again. The transplanted hairs are resistant to the DHT hormone, hence they will not fall or thin out.
Taking herbal supplements- the use of herbs helps in fastening the hair growth as they increase the production of DHT which is a hormone for hair growth. They also help fight infections that may be causing baldness, prevent further damage and maintain the health of the hair.
Use of coconut oil- coconut oil is good for the hair as it is rich in iron, potassium and essential fats which naturally boost the growth of hair. Apply fresh coconut oil twice a day for effective results.
- this is a magical fruit that has antioxidants and nutrients that enhance the growth of hair as it nourishes the hair follicles, prevents hair breakage and split ends.
Hair loss in men may not be a difficult thing to deal with, like for the women, so it is easy to embrace it.

Know More About Hair Loss In Men Know More About Hair Loss In Men Reviewed by Aline on 5:53:00 AM Rating: 5

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